We are giving away three copies of the just released DVD, Brothers.

A Marine about to embark on his fourth tour of duty, Sam (Tobey Maguire) is a steadfast family man married to his high school sweetheart, the aptly named Grace (Natalie Portman), with whom he has two young daughters. Tommy ( Jake Gyllenhaal), his charismatic younger brother, is a drifter just out of jail who’s always gotten by on wit and charm. He slides easily into his role as family provocateur on his first night out of prison, which is also Sam’s farewell dinner with their parents, Elsie (MareWinningham) and Hank Cahill (Sam Shepard). When Sam’s Blackhawk helicopter is shot down in the mountains of Afghanistan, the worst is presumed, leaving an enormous void in the family. Tommy steps in to fill the void with consequences that will shake the foundation of the entire family.

The contest will run until 12 noon E.S.T on April 2, 2009. You must be a United States resident to enter. All you have to do is fill out the Contact Form with “Brothers Contest” in the subject line. Please be sure to include your mailing address. Winners will be chosen at random at the close of the contest, and notified. Good luck!

Check out the trailer for Brothers: